- Washing your code: avoid reassigning variables
- Modern React testing, part 3: Jest and React Testing Library
- Modern React testing, part 2: Jest and Enzyme
- Modern React testing, part 1: best practices
- Accessible inline list with bullets between items
- Washing your code: avoid conditions
- Washing your code: avoid loops
- React Finland 2019
- How to get your code reviewed faster
- What’s wrong with snapshot tests
- What to learn in 2017 if you’re a frontend developer
- Testing React components with Jest and Enzyme
- Whom to follow on Twitter if you’re a frontend developer
- Ask Me Anything is the new way of blogging
- Why I open source my personal code
- Automate npm releases with semantic-release and human-written change logs
- Add the fucking change log
- View Source 2016
- Structuring React and Redux applications
- Egghead courses review: React, reactive programming & open source
- Why I wrote another static site generator
- React Amsterdam 2016
- Frontend development mail lists
- On discoverability of JavaScript packages
- Don’t touch jQuery
- React single page applications resources
- Going wavy
- How to show GUI dialog window from shell script on a Mac
- Bower: why frontend needs a package manager
- How not to go blind on the internet
- GitHub vs. Dropbox. Why “versus”?
- Simple site deploy from Git
- JavaScript and Stylus conditional compilation (debug mode) in Grunt
- Multilingual blog on DocPad
- Open source for everyone
- Read less tech books